
iSL offers a Doctrinal Track for those interested in understanding Church of God distinctives, especially those interested in being credentialed.

Books listed below can be purchased from one or all of the following: Amazon, Reformation Publishers (, or Warner Press (

The makers of Logos Bible software have also developed a resource with an excellent cross section of Church of God writings. Here’s a link with information:

 Weekend One


In preparation for Weekend One read and complete a report for each book or specified chapters of books and complete the additional assignment.

1. “Theology of Holiness and Love,” Kenneth Jones, Reformation Publishers, (200).  Formerly the requirement was the following book and it is still approved: “Responsible Grace,” Randal Maddox, Kingwood Books Publishing, 1994
2. “This We Believe, This We Proclaim,” Earl Martin, Warner Press (1952) Chapter 2
3. “Theology for Disciples,” Chapter 15, Gil Stafford, Warner Press (1996)
4. Additional assignment: Write a first draft of doctrinal statement.





3 Understanding the Wesleyan Mind Introduction and Overview to Wesleyan Theology
3 Church of God Heritage Historical overview of the roots and development of the Church of God Reformation.
3 Eight Distinguishing Characteristics of the Church of God Identification and description of the eight primary doctrinal distinctive of the Church of God.
3 How to Write your Doctrinal Statement A step by step process to develop a written statement explaining your understanding of Church of God doctrine


Weekend Two


In preparation for Weekend Two read and complete a report for each book or specified chapters of books and complete the additional assignment.

1. “Theology for Disciples,” Gil Stafford, all chapters except chapter 15 (a chapter of this book was assigned for weekend one)
2. “Theology of Holiness and Love,” Kenneth E. Jones.  To be read for weekend one, review for weekend two.
3. “Receive the Holy Spirit,” Arlo Newell, Warner Press, (1978)
4. Additional assignment: Write a revised draft of doctrinal statement.





3 Basis for Biblical Authority and Nature of God An introduction to the understanding of Biblical authority and the foundational nature of God’s essential characteristics.
3 The Life of Salvation An overview of human nature, sinfulness, and the saving mission of Jesus Christ that leads to a life of salvation.
4 Work of the Holy Spirit The work of the Holy Spirit in the salvation, gifting, and sanctification of the believer, and the resulting holiness that produces Christian unity
2 Developing Your Doctrinal Statement A workshop to equip learners to prepare, explain and defend their doctrinal statement


Weekend Three


In preparation for Weekend Three read and complete a report for each book or specified chapters of books and complete the additional assignment.

1. “Spiritual Leadership, Revised Edition”  Henry and Richard Blackaby, B & H Publishing Group, (2011)
2. “The Church of God as Revealed in Scripture,” Arlo Newell, Warner Press (1972) or Reformation Publishers
3. Develop a wedding service, a funeral service, a Communion meditation and a worship service.
4. Develop a plan for improvement in personal stewardship of heart, mind, soul and body
5. Develop and bring an “almost ready to submit” copy of your Doctrinal Statement.





4 Practical Functions of the Church A practical overview of the nature of the church, church leadership and Christian stewardship
2 Aspects of the Priestly Role Practical training in leading celebrations of ordination, officiating at weddings, funerals, and leading and planning business meetings
4 The Present and Future Kingdom An overview of the biblical teachings of the Kingdom of God
2 Review of Doctrinal Statement Opportunity for participants to interact with presenters to clarify, amplify and/or revise troubling aspects of the doctrinal statement

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"We sent 9 members of our Leadership Team to the ISL Leadership Essentials track. This made a huge impact on the team members and how we functioned as a team. Every church should invest in training their leadership. I highly recommend ISL." - Amy Worline, PA